
XR World Weekly 029

Cover of this issue

In this issue, we are sharing Roman Klčo ‘s Food Truck

Publication preface

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches and Apple releases various new systems, it’s a good time to upgrade all the main devices at home. Although the long-awaited feature of the fish screen has not been released in visionOS 2, fortunately, the new features of other systems can still be played with. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone in advance~

Table of Contents






visionOS 2 PortalComponent: A more anticipated teleportation artifact

Keywords: Portal, visionOS

In this article , Puffinwalker introduced us to the use of the new features of PortalComponent in visionOS 2, and made a very cute super dream with PortalComponent, worth reading.


Meta Quest v69 released

Keywords: Quest, Meta

In the past week, Meta officially released Quest v69 , in this update, the more interesting are these features:

Unity no longer charges runtime fees

Keywords: Unity, Runtime Fee

The Unity runtime fee controversy, which began in September 2023, finally settled in September 2024, one year later: the new CEO Matt Bromberg announced that Unity will cancel runtime fees .


About the runtime cost of Unity, we have mentioned it in Newsletter 009 and Newsletter 010 .

If you are not familiar with this matter, it can be simply understood that Unity required all users of Unity to charge additional fees based on the number of installed users of the game in addition to the original fees in September last year. This move has caused strong dissatisfaction among industry developers. Former Unity CEO John Riccitiello resigned as CEO because of this matter, and Matt Bromberg took office in May 2024.

Along with the cancellation of runtime fees, Unity Personal has raised its fee threshold (from $100,000 to $200,000), and Unity Pro and Unity Enterprise have increased their subscription prices (by 8% and 25% respectively). Overall, Unity’s strategy is friendly to small and medium-sized developers and raises prices for large customers to reduce its losses (yes, Unity has not yet achieved profitability since its launch).

Unreal now supports perspective mode on visionOS

Keywords: Unreal, visionOS, Passthrough

Although there are still some rough edges and imperfections, according to this X , Unreal can finally show the real world on visionOS 2!


Using visionOS to revolutionize surgery and medical treatment

Keywords: visionOS, Surgery, Medical

In this article , the author proposes the following viewpoint: before spatial computing, 2D plane CT and MRI scans have brought better tools for surgeons’ surgeries, allowing them to more accurately understand the internal structure of patients. Vision Pro only requires hand interaction and fine rendering of 3D objects, undoubtedly giving surgeons a more capable assistant on the operating table.

In addition, the author also lists and discusses a series of medical-oriented apps currently available on Apple Vision Pro, such as:


AquaZen: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of water

Keywords: Apple Vision Pro, Zen, Zen

AquaZen is an app that can provide an immersive aquarium experience. It provides three modes internally: 360 ° Aquarium, Space Aquarium, and Shared Space .

In the 360 ° aquarium, you can watch various sea fish swimming around you in a panoramic underwater world, and the app also provides configuration options for you to choose which fish to display in the current scene.

In the space aquarium, these fish no longer swim in the vast and boundless water, but in the room next to you. Obviously, the scene perception ability of visionOS is used here. If you are in a very small room, you will find these fish swimming very “crowded” in the small room.

In the shared space, you can place the aquarium in the form of an aquarium, like a decoration, next to you. Similarly, you can also configure all the displayed fish here.

Next, let’s talk about this application from the perspectives of user requests, product solutions, and Technology Implementation.

From the user request, AquaZen intends to solve the user with Apple Vision Pro, find a different environment and then change the mood of the needs, such applications on the App Store is not few, the official, meditation applications, Healium , Endel are intended to solve this kind of problem.

From the product plan, AquaZen uses a solution surrounded by swimming fish. Unlike the previously mentioned applications, the fish in AquaZen swim under certain rules and are not completely preset scenes. Therefore, compared to seeing the same video or audio every time, the threshold for visual fatigue for users will be slightly higher.

From Technology Implementation, the most interesting technology applied in the entire application should be how to make these fish swim. In this regard, Apple has a Demo: Building an Immersive Experience with RealityKit on the iOS.

Contributors of this issue

